Friday, December 03, 2004


Well, we are somehow in the middle of the preparations for wedding, time is running pretty tight with all the work that has to be done. I haven’t finish neither thoughts from last week, but probably it’s enough at least for now. Thanks to all for congratulations, and I wish everyone happiness and joy in life also. “May all the being in all the worlds be happy”, say one of the most famous Vedic verses/mantras.
By the way, for those who understand Croatian, there is one rather new, independent Istrian news portal It looks very nice and professional, contains more articles about Istria than other Croatian news sites (like or, but also bring news about Croatia and world. Then, there are other common categories as lifestyle, fun, health, culture, links etc. Link is here: Independent portal for city of Porec.


At 2:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We want to travel around to be world's cityzen. We want to travel around to be as a dolphin in the sea: free!

At 2:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We want to travel around to be world's cityzen. We want to travel around to be as a dolphin in the sea: free!


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